By any measure, the “For The People Rally” was a rousing success this past weekend. Democrats in North Georgia are few and far between, so while we don’t turn ’em out like our Republican friends, we certainly try to make the most of what we have.

So, what of the attendance?

GPB says “nearly 300” here, Access North Ga says “hundreds“, the AJC says “250“, and the Gainesville Times says “hundreds“. I think it’s safe to say 200-300 people showed up.

But there’s a controversy. A GOP Incumbent had a fundraiser that apparently drew a large crowd the night before- also drew some big name politicians- and it wasn’t covered. Some on the right claim a “liberal bias”.

I don’t know if a liberal bias is involved. Perhaps. But, I’d like to point out that

  • Maybe the press covers a free-for-all event differently than a $10 per head, invitation-only event?
  • Maybe the press covers a rally (i.e. not for profit) vs. a fundraiser (i.e. for-profit) differently?
  • Maybe the press covers an annual event differently than an irregularly scheduled event?

Liberal bias? Maybe. Who knows.

But, I’d like to ask my Republican friends if they need help publicizing their next event. If so, I’m available to hire… and I charge a lot. However, I know that you guys can afford it.

Seriously, guys, just call the newspaper up next time. It works.